A work-in-progress, 16" x 20" watercolor. I'm trying to get this one ready for an upcoming watercolor exhibition/competition. It helps sometimes to post the image and study it on line as well as in my studio. Still needs some tweeking here and there, but I need to be careful because there's a fine line between "done" and "overworked."
This seemed to work for Illustration Friday's word-of-the-week, atmosphere (This is a watercolor, not a silkscreen as listed by mistake on IF), and it's a painting of Bella Minnie, my St. Bernard, sleeping--a small watercolor study 6" x 6". I'm working on a larger watercolor painting of Bella Minnie as a "landscape"--sort of surrealistic. She makes a great subject. I'm getting a painting ready for an upcoming exhibition, but I'll soon get back to my horse series.
For some reason, I struggled with this one--overworked it. The image is from a photo that I took at a horse show in West Monroe. A young girl was completely wrapped up in braiding her horse's mane, getting ready for the show, and her horse seemed happy to have her attention. (watercolor on Yupo paper, 6.5" x 9")